Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Honoring Who Died…Conquering Who Lied

Honoring Who Died…Conquering Who Lied

Patriots and Comrades,

America is in tears, BEGGING us to do something about the way our government is ripping this country apart. While there are only a handful of exceptions, the Republicans and Democrats alike are moving to socialism at the speed of light denying us of our rights stipulated by the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence. The Independent movement is growing, but not fast enough to keep up with the treason and tyranny being played out like a beast in the night. Well, guess what? We have a plan and it’s one that YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS!!

Stay tuned for Americans all over this great nation ringing out freedoms and reigning in the lies! Thousands are already waiting…ready and set to GO!

Date: 9-11-09 In honor of the fallen ones and our veterans.

Where? Capital Hill, local government offices in your town or city.

The “What and How” will be answered in a few days so stay tuned. In the mean time, get familiar with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Knowledge is power.

Until then, hold steadfast the will to be free. God bless all and God Bless this great Nation.

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